Lord of the Rings Fanfictions

Stand Alone


The Elf and the Sea

(Elrond/Legolas, PG-13)

The sea…A lascivious name on his tongue, a broken sob of his soul, a painful ecstasy of his heart.



Love in the Dark

(Elladan/Elrohir, NC17)

They fought long ago and learnt to forget they were bound by something no one could destroy. But can time heal everything?



Fallen Star

(Orophin/Rumil, R, Incest)

They have chosen to be the last guardians of the deserted Woods, bound to Lorien by the secrets of their heart.



Words I cannot say

(Thranduil, R)

Truth is beauty, Yeats said. But truth can be the most painful thing in the world. There are words a father cannot say. An attempt at portraying Thranduil as a good loving father.



Parting Ways

(Legolas, PG)

The time of Elves has come to an end. It is time for farewells.

